Tongue Tie


The tongue, being the largest and strongest muscle in the neck, directly connects to the toes, engaging every system in the body, especially the heart. Addressing the tongue alone does not resolve the issue; it merely tackles the end point of the problem. The Upper Reset, Fascial Maneuvers, and the Tongue Torque help dramatically. We've had hundreds of people report reduced symptoms, from adults to children, with some children experiencing complete reversals.

Fascia differs significantly from common perception, and if there is a tongue tie issue, it affects the organs and ultimately leads to torquing in the hips. Repairing the body requires viewing it as a whole, understanding that each part contributes to the well-being of another.

Focusing on full-body Fascial Reset maneuvers, Partner Ileocecal valve release, Partnered Belly Button release, and Trauma Release seems to have a compounding positive effect on releasing tension between the mouth and the pelvic floor.

To demonstrate how this feels, try the tongue video for yourself. Notice any changes in the way your hips work and even in the way your feet plant as you walk on the floor. We recommend experimenting on your own body so you can assist others or children. The people and parents who are the most successful are the ones who are participating themselves. It's more than a technique; it's a feeling that our bodies resonate with and adapt to.

Partner release series

Head and Face Masterclass - Jason

Includes tongue release

It's crucial to perform eye rebalancing and vestibular exercises with a tongue tie, as they have a significant impact on stabilizing the neck. When the vestibular is off, all the muscles from the tongue down through the esophagus tighten up.

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