Rashes, Eczema, Rosacea


These and most skin conditions are related to auto immune function. They certainly have one thing in common. They’re all related to blockages of flow in the fascia and or the G.I. tract.

We have found that this is most common when there is chronic dehydration of the fascial tissue, which is highly prevalent in most people today and related to chemicals in the skies and in our food. These have caused our bodies to be deficient in silica causing malabsorption of minerals, which then cascades into dehydration, stress, anxiety, and a host of other disorders.

Simply drinking more water does not hydrate the fascia anymore because without silica, the body cannot absorb the minerals properly.

Here is an article on Dehydration of the fascia: 


The next part which is the most important part is to stimulate movement back to the fascial layers, especially those around the midsection of the body and hips and pelvis, specifically the small intestine and large intestine area.

Usually if you are already asking this question, the problems have been building for a while, and we recommend working your way to the 28 Day reset. This reset walks you through a complete reboot of the human body both physically and emotionally and helps the body clear stored trauma. There is a series of resets that are available on our website that work you up to the 28 day reset so that you have all of the tools you need, and you have a good understanding of how your body works. These programs are self-paced, and they are supported by the community and can be done on your computer or your phone.

We recommend the Fundamental Pack as we have found this combination of supplements to be the most effective in releasing and relieving fascia and calming the entire nervous system.

Here is a link to enroll in the 28 day reset beginning with the 1, 3 and 7 day resets. 

Courses https://humangarage.net/enroll/

take care