Irish Sea Moss (92 Minerals)


What is Irish Sea Moss

Sea moss is a marine vegetable that has gained a lot of popularity in recent years. It’s known for containing many nutrients that the human body needs.

Those planning to start a plant-based diet have probably heard of this miracle food, but what do people actually know about sea moss and where it comes from?

Irish sea moss is a generic name given to a collection of different species of seaweed. Eucheuma cottonii and Chondrus crispus are some of the most popular species with the moniker of Irish sea moss. The term is applied to a range of seaweed species almost interchangeably across different regions.

During the height of the Irish Potato Famine in the 1840s, the Irish population faced a period of mass starvation and disease that lasted for almost a decade. It was caused by one of the worst cases of potato blight in European history, resulting in widespread hunger and a dramatic decline in population. Because of the famine, people started to search for alternate ways to meet their nutritional needs. It was then sea moss was discovered as a source of food. Hence, the name "Irish" sea moss, regardless of its origin.

What makes Irish Sea Moss so special?

This superfood has 92 of the 102 minerals the body needs. It is rich in calcium, magnesium, chromium, sulfur compounds, protein, iodine, bromine, selenium, pectin, manganese, potassium, iron, zinc, B vitamins, and vitamin C.

Sea moss is antibacterial and has anti-inflammatory properties. It’s most commonly used as a demulcent treatment for ailments such as colds, flu, coughs, cancer, diabetes, and intestinal issues. It also supports joints, bones, and skin, and even helps regulate mood for better overall mental health.

Benefits of Sea Moss

Natural Mood Enhancer

Sea moss is a natural antidepressant due to its high potassium levels (8x more than a banana). Potassium is especially good for our mental health because it helps activate and regulate serotonin in our brain. The chemical serotonin is a natural painkiller that promotes happy feelings. Those who take sea moss daily have reported a decline or elimination of anxiety and depression, and many discontinued antidepressants they previously needed.

Skin Care Superstar

Sea moss is nourishing to the skin due to its mineral content. It works both from the inside out and topically and is especially good for skin issues like sunburns and rashes. You can drink the gel or massage it into your skin- it also makes for a luscious face mask!

Bone Strength

Sea moss is super rich in sulfur-based amino acids. Sulfur helps to reduce swelling for sports injuries or ailments affecting our joints while shielding them against inflammation that leads to connective tissue problems like arthritis. Many professional athletes report taking sea moss on a daily basis.

Mucus Destroyer

Sea moss has been medicinally used to maintain a healthy mucous membrane. It's a natural decongestant and contains anti-viral compounds that help the body fight off infection.

Natural Energy Booster

Iron is one of the star minerals in sea moss, perfect for those suffering from fatigue, brain fog, and restlessness.

Benefits for Women

Sea moss contains more iodine and selenium minerals than any other food on Earth! This is especially good for supporting thyroid health and mood.

Benefits for Men

Sea moss is also rich in zinc, which helps libido- making it a go-to natural aphrodisiac, ideal for improving your performance in the bedroom. In addition, it helps to increase sperm count. In Jamaica, it's commonly referred to as nature's Viagra. No more blue pills!

Irish Sea Moss Options

There are three primary ways to consume Irish Sea Moss

Freeze Dried

To freeze dry, Irish Sea Moss is exposed to -40°C. All of the moisture is removed, and then it is stored in a bag. Bonus: It lasts longer than gel.


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Irish Sea Moss can be prepared at home and turned into a gel that you can consume raw or add to your food or drinks.

Learn how


Irish Sea Moss can be consumed like a normal daily supplement in capsule form. Easiest to build a habit around or take on the go.





Fascial Flow™

2 - 3 Capsules
per day

Irish Sea Moss


2 tbl per day

Add to any food or beverage.

Freeze Dried

2 - 4 tsp per day

Add to any food or beverage.

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