Umbilical Hernias


The most common cause of Umbilical hernias is pressure in the gut. it’s important to rehydrate the fascia, to make sure you’re getting sufficient minerals and to release the fascia because it’s all twisted up. We recommend completing the maneuvers such as the Organ reset and Stress reset daily as well as the partner belly button un-torque which is also a powerful maneuver.  

The fascia surrounding the area of the hernia will need lots of torquing, so the Lower and or Upper resets are great routines to alternate. The rotational movement in Totally Twisted also helps release adhesions on the diaphragm.

Lower Reset

Upper Reset

Organ Reset 

belly button untorque partner 

Here is an article regarding dehydration of the Fascia. It will explain the symbiotic relationship between food grade Diatomaceous Earth, Irish Sea Moss & PowerCurc30


 Ileocecal Valve Release  

PSOAS Release  

And, here’s a podcast diving deeper into how to take control of your digestion podcast  



Take these before a meal.  

Code: humangarage for discount  

They digest the food for you so the body has more energy to heal itself. It also cleans out the walls and lining of the intestines. The best way to get a full reset is to take 25 per day for 28 days on an empty stomach.  


These are patented pre/probiotics that help build and feed the healthy bacteria in your gut.  

Code: humangarage for discount  

Take 2 per day for 90 days  

If you want access to the full supplement guide click here:  

Clean your Environment 

It's also super important to remove toxic chemicals from your food, care products, and environment as those tend to put unnecessary stress and load on the digestive system which is directly linked to auto-immune disease. 

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