Prolapse (Posterior & Anterior)


Prolapse or POP, is the descent of pelvic organs from their normal positions into the vagina. This usually occurs when the Pelvic Floor collapses after an injury to the fascial membranes and other connective tissues.  

In our opinion the most common contributor to POP and the collapse of the pelvic floor is dehydration and inflammation of the fascial tissues.  These cause constant contractions in the pelvic floor and you may experience tightness, restriction of motion, burning and tearing sensations with extended movements, uterus pain, back pain, inner thigh restriction and more. 

We recommend that you consume high-dose silica in the form of Diatomaceous earth, 1 to 5 teaspoons per day and Irish Sea moss or equivalent Mineral complex. 

If you are able to, I would highly recommend the Foundation Bundle of supplements on our website as it has PowerCurc30 which is the world's strongest anti-inflammatory that targets the inflammation and releases the fascia. It also has Fascial Flow and Fascial Foundation, which rebuild the facial tissue and rehydrate the entire body, while balancing hormones and helping your hair, nails and skin.

Here is a short article on dehydration that will explain the symbiotic relationship between Diatomaceous Earth, Irish Sea Moss and PowerCurc30.

Here are some Fascial Maneuvers that will help:

Day 1

Please follow the link to the Lower Reset Guide and follow the instructions in the guide.

Day 2 

Please follow the link to the Upper Reset Guide and follow the instructions in the guide. 

You can find the Upper Reset below 

Day 3 

45 min full body fascial reset

You can rotate these routines daily, and if you feel like you need a little extra stress relief or you just want to move your body more, feel free to add a second routine into the day. The goal in any chronic issue is to reduce the stress in the body a minimum of once per day, which routines will do. 

Here is a short informative and educational video on Posterior as well as Anterior prolapse. 

​​Pelvic floor Uterus & Anal Prolapse What it Is & How To Help Yourself With Fascial Maneuvers

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